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Create a Node

Required Elements

There are a few requirements to properly define a node.

Base Class

Each node needs to inherit from the base class NodeBase, which implements some base functionality for your node.

Class Attribute

The class attribute Node is required to give the node a name, category and other additional meta-information. Here is a list of properties that can be set for each node via the attribute.

  • Name: node name
  • Category: node category
  • SubCategory: node sub-category
  • Description: node description
  • Tags: collection of node tags


Your signal node must have a constructor with IExtensionApi as single parameter, which you need to pass to the base class.


A full example of an empty signal node named "Example" is displayed below.

[Node(Name = "Example")]
public class ExampleSignalNode : NodeBase
    public ExampleSignalNode(IExtensionApi api)
        : base(api)