Audectra Studio - Release Notes
Along several additional minor improvements and fixes since the previous release, these are the ones I would like to point out.
New Features
- Implemented support for window bridge configuration.
- Implemented stage settings via stage dasboard.
- Moved bridge configuration from separate document into stage dashboard.
- Implemented new node library dialog.
- Implemented node preview within node library dialog.
- Implemented render node preview within node library dialog.
- Implemented node type filter within node library dialog.
- Implemented render node target canvas type filter within node library dialog.
- Implemented support for SKColor in properties panel.
- Node properties from node inputs that are currently connected, will be disabled in property panel.
Basic Stage Settings
Currently, only the stage name and the captured audio device can be configured for the connected stage.
Node Library Dialog
This new node library dialog should make searching for a signal or render node a more pleasent experience than before.
Node Inputs in Property Panel
Node properties from node inputs that are currently connected, will be disabled in property panel.